i-Team alumni win the CUE business creation competition
This year's CUE "Technology Start-up of the Year" prize was won by AQDOT, a micro-encapsulation start-up founded by Dr. Roger Coulston and Jing Zhang, two i-Teams alumni who also went on to submit their research as an i-Teams project (MicroEnCAPs in Michaelmas 2011). This research has now been spun-out into AQDOT. Jing was also President…
Redesigning electricity – Changing copper cables to carbon
Contact: Dr. Krzysztof Koziol, Materials Science Mentor: Dr. Charles Romito & Adrian Swinburne NOTE - first session for this project will be at 5pm on Friday March 23rd at the Department of Materials Science In the modern world we are surrounded by electricity and electrical cables, the technology for which has barely changed since its invention. Copper…
Finding biomedical uses for a low-cost portable tuneable laser
Contact: Dr. Philip Hands & Dr. Damian Gardiner, Engineering (CAPE) More information: Watch the video Mentor: Wouter Meuleman "Companies have a vision of hand-held diagnostic devices for non-experts" The research team at the Engineering Department has developed a unique, compact and low-cost laser which can be tuned within a range of wavelengths. While there are a wide range…
ZeoPhyte® – Marketing an environmentally-friendly soil conditioner to remediate contaminated
Contact: Dr Peter Leggo, Department of Earth Sciences More information: Peter Leggo and Technology trials Mentor: Nancy Bocken Centuries of mining and industrial activity have left large areas of land across Europe, the USA and other regions of the world virtually sterile and unable to support plant growth due to heavy metal or recalcitrant organic contaminants. Removal of contaminated soil…
An innovation to significantly accelerate the growth of algae
Contact: Dr Thomas Mock, University of East Anglia Mentor: Dr. Julian White The global market for algal biomass is blooming, attracting investment and interest from organisations wishing to utilise algae to produce high quality and sustainable biofuels, food supplements, animal-feed, high value co-products such as nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, bioplastics, biochemicals, fertilizers and cosmetics. Scientists at the University of…
Multiplex sensing – finding the best application for a new
Contacts: Dr Andrew Flewitt, CAPE Mentors: Marc Bax, Bob Pettigrew There are many applications where several physical attributes such as light levels, temperature and humidity need to be measured, and others which need gases to be detected. Currently these type of measurements are carried out on separate sensors, working in very different ways. Dr Flewitt is working…
Revolutionising diving with new technology
Contact: Dan Reynolds, Lungfish Dive Systems & IfM Mentor: Dr. John Hunter Lungfish Dive Systems was founded by Dan Reynolds, a biologist with a keen interest in diving. Working with a small team of experts, he developed a new closed-circuit breathing apparatus combining a number of innovative technologies to allow divers to go beyond the limits of normal open-circuit…
Redesigning electricity – Connecting copper to carbon
Redesigning electricity - Connecting copper to carbon Contact: Dr. Krzysztof Koziol, Materials Science Mentor: Dr. Charles Romito In the modern world we are surrounded by electricity and electrical cables, the technology for which has barely changed since its invention. Copper cables can be a significant weight in a new structure. (For example a Boeing 747…
Finding real-world applications for a synthetic reversible molecular lego system
Contacts: Dr. Bazbek Davletov, Dr. Enrico Ferrari & Dr. Chunjing Gu, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Mentors: Alex Hellawell, Innovia Technology & Wouter Meuleman (i-Teams alumni) Dr. Davletov's team of researchers has developed a unique patented system of four distinct molecular helices which quickly assemble into a tight, rigid and stable nanostructure scaffold. The ends…