Amy Weatherup

Amy Weatherup (formerly Amy Mokady) is a serial entrepreneur who has held senior sales, marketing and…read more

Lara Allen

Dr Lara Allen has worked extensively in international development and in academia. She has a…read more


Ben Moore is an Inclusive Innovation Programme Coordinator at the Centre for Global Equality, a…read more

Bang Profile 1

Bang recently completed his PhD at the Institute for Manufacturing under the supervision of Professor…read more

Tim Minshall

Tim is the inaugural Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation at the University of…read more


Simon is a Business Anthropologist, with extensive experience in human-centred innovation, product development and design…read more

Gillian Davis

Gillian is the Commercialisation Director of the Technology Transfer Team at Cambridge Enterprise, working with…read more

Kbardes Profilepic

Katie’s expertise is in working with people at all levels across the organisation to develop…read more

Every term we invite an experienced entrepreneur to give a guest lecture about their own…read more